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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 1y ago

Approximately 2% of the total surface area of Britain is covered by roads.

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Q: What surface area of Britain is covered by roads?
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What Percentage Area Of the UK is Roads?

0.1 percent of the area of the UK is covered by roads of one sort or another

What is the large area of Earth's surface covered with?

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One third is surface and the rest is the sea.

What is the planet most covered in water?

Earth is the planet with the highest percentage of surface area covered by water, with approximately 71% of its surface covered by oceans.

How much area of earth is covered by water?

Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water.

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About 71%

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Antarctica covers about 10% of the earth's surface.

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About 29% of Earth's surface is not covered by water. This land area consists of continents, islands, and other landmasses.

How does the area of earths surface covered by the Ocean compare with the area covered By land?

360 millon kilometers or just 71% and the contents 29% or just 150 million kilometers

How does the area of earth surface covered by the oceans compare with the area covered by land?

360 millon kilometers or just 71% and the contents 29% or just 150 million kilometers

How much area does ice occupy on earth?

Roughly 10% of Earth's land area is covered by ice in the form of glaciers and ice caps. In addition, about 7% of the Earth's surface is covered by ice in the form of ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.