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Q: What percentage of daily water needs is met by food consumed?
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Related questions

What are the daily needs for rabbits?

Shelter, grass and water

How much does sunflower needs water?

Sunflowers need .15 inches of water daily. Never water from overhead.

What percentage Americans drink water?

Probably 100%. The human body needs water to survive.

Do horses need access to fresh water at all times?

Horses need access to drinkable water daily. Horses will not eat if they do not have water. It does not need to be fresh from the tap daily, but needs to be refilled daily and dumped out and washed at least monthly.

How much water a human body needs daily?

A persons body on average needs 8 to 10 glasses of water. although i have read that during the hot summer your body needs more.

What are the daily needs of a pet bird?

food, water, a weekly bath, exercise, and a clean cage.

Does bamboo need a lot of water?

Yes bamboo needs loads of water bamboo is a tall plant and lives in swamps so water its daily.

How many 12oz bottle water should you drink daily?

At least 2, if not 3. More water is better! Your body needs it.

Is water vapor to ice consumed or released energy?


Hom much water does a dog need?

A dog should always have a clean bowl of water available. Water needs to be freshened daily or more often.

If the average person drinks 8 8oz glasses of water per day a person who drinks 12.8 oz of water after a morning exercise session has consumed what fraction of the daily average?

If the average person drinks 8, (8oz) glasses of water per day, a person who drinks 12.8 oz of water after a morning exercise session has consumed what fraction of the daily average?1.) 8 drinks x 8oz = 64 oz per day (daily average)2.) 12.8oz/64oz = .2 oz3.) .2 oz = 2/10= 1/5

What percentage of people have access to clean water in London?

Approximately 99.95% of people in London have access to clean drinking water which meets the national standards for quality. This high amount of coverage ensures that the vast majority of residents in London have safe and healthy water for drinking and other daily needs.