78 %
70 percentage three quarters of the world
The answer depends on the context: Do you want: frozen water as a percentage of all water on earth? frozen water as a percentage of all matter on earth? frozen water as a percentage of all water in the solar system, or beyond? frozen water as a percentage of all matter in the solar system, or beyond? There are other possible interpretations.
No: there's only volcanic activity
The percentage of pure water in ocean water is 96.5%
Because the water is pure, the water outside will follow the concentration gradient of osmosis (from high concentration to low concentration). Since the percentage of solutes is much lower (in fact it's not even there in pure water) and the water concentration is much higher, ergo it'll flow into the cell to balance out the concentration. This causes the cell to swell, and eventually burst, or lyse.
Water is all water unless it is not completely pure.
Pure and dried salt has no water.
Pure lemon juice contains about 90% water.
There is no (zero) salt at all in pure water, that's why it is 'pure' (meaning 'nothing else')
Pure water has 0% or less sugar in it.
if it runs on pure hydrogen then the only exhaust will be pure water vapor.
Only if you have pure water in mind: 25 milliliters of pure water weigh 25 grams.
Virtually none. Ever fresh rainwater or snow has dissolved impurities in it.