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72.3% of woman are under age and pregnant most finding it hard to work and also care for the child

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Q: What percentage of girls are under 18 and pregnant?
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Related questions

What things can you do with a boy?

If you are under the age of 18 you don't need to " do things" with boys. That's how girls get pregnant and ruin their life. A vast percentage of teens who have babies end up quitting school and end up poor unable to support themselves.

What is a girl pregnant under 18?

that makes no sense! if you are asking can a girl be pregnant under 18 and the answer is yes! my friend had a baby at the age of 13.

Why do girls like being naked?

If there is a man / boy next to the girl getting nakid the girl will expect the man / boy to have sex with her, If your near a girl getting nakid it wont be a good idea having sex with her, especially if your under 18, If you have sex below 18 you could get pregnant has a kid and getting pregnant has a kid will not be comftable. If you do have sex under 18 you should talk to the Doctors because you shouldnt be having sex under 18.

If you are pregnant and under the age of 18 are you legally emancipated from your parents?

No, if you are pregnant and under the age of 18 you are not leagally emancipated from your parents at all until you are 18 then you can be on your own. Just because you have a baby doesn't mean your an adult.

What percentage of video game players are under 18?

In 2005, 5% of video game players were under 18.

What is the percentage of population under 15 in the Netherlands?

18 % of people are under the age of 15 :)

How common are bulimics under 18?

Bulimics under the age of 18 are very uncommon. Bulimia is more common in girls ages 18 to 24.

What percentage of boys are there among 45 students if number of girls is 18?

18 / 45 = 0.4 (so there are 40% girls) 1 - 0.4 = 0.6 (so there are 60% boys)

Can your pregnant teen girlfriend sue for everything you own?

No, If she is under 18.

What percentage is girls in a classroom of 12 girls and 18 boys and how did you get the answer?

Total students = Girls (12) plus Boys (18) equal 30 ie Girls (12) divided by total Students (30) = .40 multiply by 100 to get percentages =40 %

What state has the highest percentage of persons under the age of 18?


What percentage of a class are boys if there are 10 girls and 18 boys?

18 boys in a class of 10+18 = 28 represents 100*18/28 = 64.29% okok thank you