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Q: What percentage of people think that it is hard to find uniforms?
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What is the percentage of students that do like school uniforms?

It varies, but generally about 50-75% of students support school uniforms. Some believe uniforms promote equality and prevent bullying over clothing. Others dislike the lack of individual expression and find uniforms uncomfortable.

Are school uniforms uncomfortable?

Some students may find school uniforms uncomfortable due to issues like fit or material, while others may find them comfortable and convenient. Personal experiences with school uniforms can vary greatly.

Why don't people like uniforms?

Some people may not like uniforms because they can feel restrictive and limit individuality. Others may perceive uniforms as a symbol of conformity and lack of personal expression. Additionally, some may find uniforms uncomfortable or unflattering.

What percentage of people think bike crashes are funny?

It is impossible to know what percentage of people think bike crashes are funny as this is very subjective and impossible to measure. There are many bike crash videos on YouTube so it is likely a high percentage of people find them funny as long as the person is not seriously injured.

Where would you find school uniforms?

Most uniforms can be found at a retailer devoted to selling uniforms, if not, contact you're school's administration.

Where can one find My Nursing Uniforms online?

One can find My Nursing Uniforms through the internet such as Google, Bing, Ask, or eHow. These are some of the places where you could find My Nursing Uniforms online. There are other options such as a phone book, or a mailed letter.

Is there a website to find Hertz uniforms?

How do school uniforms restrict the expression of a child's unique individuality?

They don't. School uniforms simply remove the stigma of how people dress affecting their ability to fit in. You can still distinguishe yourself and maintain your individuality while wearing a uniform. After all, people in the armed forces all wear uniforms and still find a way to stand out from each other.

Show you pictures of women modeling uniforms?

If you are looking for images of women modeling uniforms, simply use a search engine to type in what kind of uniforms you are looking for. For example: "nursing uniforms." Chances are you'll find a website that uses models to wear the uniforms.

Are cheap postal uniforms an easy find?

Cheap postal uniforms are easy to find. Skaggs Postal Uniforms offer 20% off, if ordered online and provides union made products. Also, My Postal Uniforms offer a 10% discount and free shipping, as well as close-out items.

Where to find cheerleading uniforms?

For team uniforms and other gear, I recommend the websites for Varsity, GTM Sportswear, and 'Cheerleading'.