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Gerolamo Cardano (1501 - 1576).

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Q: What person used gambling to make a living and as a result of incorrectly computing the probability of a game caused mathematicians to develop formal probability theory?
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Related questions

Uses of probability?

ratio and gambling

Is Lotto gambling or pure math?

It is gambling and pure luck! If it was pure math, you can bet there would be some very rich mathematicians walking around!

What does the odds mean in gambling?

Your "odds" are your likelihood or probability of winning.

What are the two ways probability can be used?

Predicting the weather and gambling

How is probability used in real life?

=Probability is used in many ways.==For example:==* gambling==*bettting odds==and anywhere in the world!=

Where is probability used in everyday life?

Logical decision making. Gambling. Odds.

What is probability used in?

gambling is a good use. It is also used in politics and in predictions in science

Who discovered probability?

Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat started corresponding over an issue on mathematics of gambling, from which the theory of probability developed in 1654.

Why do people keep gambling if they know that the probability of them wining is very low?

it givves you a lot of money

How is Probability used in the gambling industry?

It depends on what you mean, but here is a basic description of how it works. Payouts in gambling games are based on the probability of winning, but the payout is less than the true probability of winning. Just as a basic example, the odds of rolling a 12 in the game Craps is 1 in 36, but if bet on the 12 and win, you only win 30 times the amount bet. So basically, you would have to make a $1 bet 36 times to win $30.

Who are the mathematician behind the probability?

"A gambler's dispute in 1654 led to the creation of a mathematical theory of probability by two famous French mathematicians, Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat. Antoine Gombaud, Chevalier de Méré, a French nobleman with an interest in gaming and gambling questions, called Pascal's attention to an apparent contradiction concerning a popular dice game. The game consisted in throwing a pair of dice 24 times; the problem was to decide whether or not to bet even money on the occurrence of at least one "double six" during the 24 throws. A seemingly well-established gambling rule led de Méré to believe that betting on a double six in 24 throws would be profitable, but his own calculations indicated just the opposite.

How math is used in gambling?

By use of observations and some patterns, you can figure out the probability, or likelihood, of getting a certain card, so when you're pretty sure, you can bet lots of money.