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The question refers to the "following". In such circumstances would it be too much to expect that you make sure that there is something that is following?

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Q: What philosopher developed the hedonistic calculus?
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Who developed hedonistic calculus?

Jeremy Bentham

Who produced hedonistic calculus?

Jeremy Benthan

What is hedonistic calculus?

It is a form of calculation developed by Bentham which considers the amount of pleasure and pain resulting from an action. The sum of the pleasure given to all affected minus the sum of all the pains is a measure of the net "utility" of that action.

A form of mathematics developed by Isaac Newton?

Calculus is a form of mathematics developed by Isaac Newton.

When was calculus first developed?

Based on the history, calculus was first developed by Sir Issac Newton in 1665-1667.

Is Archimedes the father of calculus?

No, Newton and Leibniz independently developed calculus.

Why was there debate over the discovery of the math field of calculus?

Both Liebnez and Newton developed calculus at about the same time and there was a row between them over who developed calculus first.

What is origin of calculus?

In the 1660s, Isaac Newton developed Calculus to solve certain types of problems. At the same time Leibniz also developed calculus independently of Newton.

How do solve of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz his contributions in identification?

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a German mathmetician and philosopher. He developed the first mechanical calculators and infinitisimal calculus. In addition, he reined the binary number system.

Who achieved calculus?

If you mean "who invented calculus", then Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz both developed it independently.

How old is calculus?

Calculus is around 350 years old. Newton developed it in his twenties. Which was in 1660.

Who developed calculus in Europe by whom?

gottfried leibniz