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Q: What piece of apparatus can measure exactly 2cm3?
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What is the density of an object with a mass of 60g an a volume of 2cm3?


What is the density of 2cm3 sugar cube with a mass of 3.18?

Density = Mass/Volume = 3.18/2 = 1.59 grams per cm3

What is density of bowling ball with mass of 60 grams and a volume of 2cm3?

Used the equation Density=Mass/Volume to solve this one.

How do you test the vitamin c in orange juice?

How to test for vitamin C: 1. Draw up 2cm3 of lemon/orange juice (or the substance you're wanting to test for vitamin C) into a syringe. 2. Add it drop by drop into 2cm3 of a 0.1% solution of DCIP (a blue dye) 3. The dye will turn colourless if vitamin C is present

What is the density of an object with a mass of 60grams and a volume of 2cm3?

Density=M/V there's your answer... i am doing the same test...only i have about 10

What is the density of something with a mass of 21 grams and volume of 2 cm3?

Density = Mass/Volume = 21g/2cm3 = 10.5 grams per cm3

What is the density of a cube with a mass of 8 grams and a volume of 2 centimeters cubed?

Density = mass/volume Density of the cube = 8g/2cm3 = 4g/cm3

How do you test for reducing sugar?

Disaccharides such as sucrose are non- reducing sugars. In order to detect non-reducing sugars, they must be broken down into monomer form by hydrolysis 1.) If the sample isn't already in liquid form grind it up in water. 2.) Add 2cm3(cubed) of the food sample to a test tube with 2cm of benedict's reagent 3.) (gently) boil in a water bath for 5 mins 4.)If a NON-REDUCING sugar is present then the solution will remains BLUE 5.)In this case another 2cm3 of the food sample to 2cm3 of (dilute) hydrochloric acid in a test tube(as the hydrochloric acid hydrolases the disaccharide into its monomer constituents .i.e. sucrose --> glucose + fructose) 6.) (Slowly) add sodium hydrogencarbonate to the test tube(to neutalise the hydrochloric acid as Benedict's reagent can't work in acidic conditions) 7.)Now re-test the solution by heating it with the 2cm3 of Benedict's reagent for 5 mins, this time the solution should turn from blue to orange-brown/brick red because reducing sugars are present(.i.e. glucose and fructose)due to the hydrolysis of the disaccharide (sucrose) Hope this helps :)

How do you test vitamin c?

One common way to test for vitamin C is by using iodine solution. Ascorbic acid in vitamin C reduces iodine to iodide, causing the iodine solution to change color from brown to clear. Another method is using UV-visible spectrophotometry to measure the absorbance of vitamin C at a specific wavelength. Additionally, titration with an oxidizing agent such as iodine can also be used to determine the vitamin C content in a sample.

What is the density of an object that is mass 15 g volume 2cm3?

Mass = 15 gm Volume = 2 cubic cm Density = Mass/Volume = 15/2 = 7 and 1/2 or 7.5 g per cm3

Can you test for maltose?

Maltose is actually a reducing sugar so a test for reducing sugar could be carried out.1)Add 2cm3 of Benedict's solution to 2cm3 of maltose solution in a test tube and shake.2)Leave the test tube in a beaker of boiling water for 5 minutes.Observations:1)blue solution to green mixture- conclude that there are traces of reducing sugar2)blue solution to yellow or orange precipitate- conclude that there are moderate amt of reducing sugar3)blue solution to brick red precipitate- conclude that there are large amt of reducing sugar

A rectangular solid is 3 cm long 2 cm wide 1 cm mass is 12g What is its density?

What you do find the volume by multiplying the height the width and the length So... 3x2x1=6 Then you divide the mass by the volume m/v= 12 / 6 So... The answer is 2cm3