The number three is in the tenths place.
38977 is in ones place9 is in tens place (and is three times the number in thousands place)8 is in the hundreds place3 is in the thousands place7+9+8+3=27
It mean describe the place that the number is in. For example you have 54,325, and you have to identify the place value for the three you would say the place value of the three is hundreds because it is in the hundreds place.
300000000000000000000000000 is 300 septillion
The number three is in the tenths place.
The number in the tens place is 3 The number in the tenths place is 5 Please verify your question. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope i helped!
To write twelve and three tenths as a decimal, write the number twelve as a whole number to the left of the decimal place and three tenths as three to the right of the decimal place. It appears as 12.3
To show the number three million two thousand, you would write it as 3,002,000. The comma separates the millions place from the thousands place. In this number, the digit 3 is in the millions place, the digit 0 is in the thousands place, and the digit 2 is in the hundreds place.
38977 is in ones place9 is in tens place (and is three times the number in thousands place)8 is in the hundreds place3 is in the thousands place7+9+8+3=27
900 It is the only three digit number with a nine in the numbers place
It mean describe the place that the number is in. For example you have 54,325, and you have to identify the place value for the three you would say the place value of the three is hundreds because it is in the hundreds place.
The value of the 3 in the number 12.835 is three hundredths.