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Q: What plane of movement is lying chest flyes?
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If an object revolves around the sun on the same plane as the planets it is lying on what?

If an object revolves around the sun on the same plane as the planets, it is lying on an ecliptic.

What is the forward movement of a plane called?

The forward movement of a plane is called "flight" or "forward propulsion." This movement is generated by the plane's engines providing thrust, which allows the plane to move forward through the air.

What plane is dumbbell chest press?


What is collinear and coplanar?

Collinear is passing through or lying on the same staright line. Coplanar is lying on or occurring in the same plane.

What do coplanar mean in geometry?

Lines or points lying on the same plane

Movement taking place in the oblique plane?

Movement in the oblique plane involves a combination of movement direction between the sagittal and frontal planes simultaneously. This movement pattern is not purely in one plane and includes diagonal or twisting motions. Examples of exercises involving oblique plane movements include wood chops and side lunges.

Elaborate on a movement in the oblique plane?

Movements like for instance a golf swing that's takes movement trough a number of planes,cannot be catagorised as a single movement in a single plane,eg.sagital,horizontal or vertical plane movements.Thus catagorised as movements in the oblique plane.

Define coplanar lines?

lying in the same plane by; john noel legaspi

What is the difference between collinear and coplanar?

Collinear is passing through or lying on the same straight line. Coplanar is lying on or occurring in the same plane.

Define pappus theorems?

theorems relating respectively to the volume and the surface area of a solid generated by the revolution of plane figure around an axis lying in the same plane. 1. when a plane figure is revolved about an axis lying in the same plane (but not cutting the area)The volume generated is equal to the product of the area and the length of the path described by the centre of gravity of the area . 2. When a plane curve is revolved about an axis lying in the same plane (but not cutting the curve) the surface area generated is equal to the product of the length of the curve and the length of the path of the centre of gravity of the curve.

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What does respectively parallel mean?

Parallel to each other: lying in the same plane, but not intersecting.