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Q: What postulates are statements that are accepted without question or justification?
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Justify your opinion with relevant evidence from the text. The decision to implement new policies was justified by the increase in productivity. She tried to justify her actions by explaining the reasoning behind them.

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Putting a question mark at the end of a few words does not make it a sensible question. Please try again.

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A demand for explanation or justification; a calling into question.

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[A perennial law school question.] Under extenuating circumstances there can be moral justification for breaking a law. However there can never be any justification for living a lawless life.

Which statements is true of the presidential elections of 1980 and 1984?

That depends entirely on the statements in question.

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would need to see the two statements; not shown in question.

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please answer this question

There are two statements numbered you and II followed by a question Decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question Mark answer as 1 if the data in statement I?

yes there is.~Maria~

Do imperative statements have question marks at the end?

No, imperative statements do not have question marks at the end. Imperative sentences give commands or make requests and end with a period.