

What probability cannot happen?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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11y ago

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By definition, the probability of an event is always some number between 0 and 1. Sometimes we think of these as percents. For example, if something has a probability of 25%, the probability is simply 25/100, or .25.

By this definition, nothing can have probability 3 or 1.2, or any negative number whatsoever. Only probabilities between 0 and 1 (inclusive) are allowed.

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Q: What probability cannot happen?
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Does something that can never happen have a probability of 0?

Yes, a probability of 0 is something that cannot happen.

What is a probability of 0 which means the event has to happen?

If the probability of an event is zero then that event cannot happen

What is the probability that an event cannot happen?

It is 0.

What is an event that has a probability of 0?

It is something that cannot happen.

What is the smallest value of probability?

0, which is something that cannot happen.

Why can't the probability be greater then one?

A probability of 1 means something will definitely happen. There cannot be a greater certainty than that, so probability cannot be greater than 1.

Why probability always lays 0 to 1?

0 represents that is will never happen. It means that there is no probability that it will happen. 1 represents that is is certain to happen. You cannot be more certain than definitely certain, and something cannot be less probable than not at all.

Is the probability 1.2 nil possible?

Probabilities go from 0 to 1. This is a steady increase with 0.5 meaning 50% of "equally likely to happen as not." 0 probability means that it is impossible something will happen. 1 probability means it is definite something will happen. Therefore, you cannot have probability 1.2 as this is more than "definitely going to happen."

Can a probability be more than 1 or less than 0?

No. A probability of 1 means something will definitely happen. There cannot be a greater certainty than that, so probability cannot be greater than 1. 0 means there is no chance of something happening. You cannot have less than no chance of something happening. So a probability cannot be less than 0.

What does a probability of 0 mean?

If an event has a probability of zero (0) that means that it cannot happen; it is completely impossible.If a number has a probability of zero, then it never occurs, no matter how many times you try.

What does complementary mean when your talking about probability?

Two events A and B or complementary if A and B are "opposites". If A happens it means that B cannot happen and if B happens it means that A cannot happen.

Why probability cannot be neigative for event?

Probability is measured on a scale of 0 to 1 meaning at 0 it will not happend but at 1 it will happen So a negative event is impossible