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Q: What problem is price is seeking to solve in the speech?
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How do government solve the problem scarcity?

Reduce price

How does the price mechanism solve the problem of what to produce of a free enterprise economy?

The forces of demand and supply regulated by price helps producers and resource owners solve the problem of what to produce

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How do you solve a problem with sales price?

By exactly knowing the cost price-- then sales price can be adjustable depending on the external circumstances

Discuss whether the price mechanism is an effective way to solve the basic economic problem?

Price mechanism is an effective way to solve the basic economic problem. The price of a product is what will determine the demand and this will influence the production output which directly affects the economy.

What part of speech is a problem?

The school considers him to be a problem student. (Here, problem is an adjective describing student.) Do you know how to solve the third math problem? (problem = a noun)

How do you solve a commission problem where you need to find the original price?

Commission = percent x original price / 100 so original price = commission x 100 / percent

The goal of applied science is?

It is to use science for a practical job or to solve a problem.

What is the part of speech of the word solve?

Solve is a verb

Explain whether the introduction of maximum prices by a government would solve the problem of scarcity?

The term "maximum price" refers to the highest price that one is allowed to charge for selling a product, or a service. Introducing a maximum price helps to solve the problem of scarcity by allowing more people the ability to purchase something that may be previously been out of their means.

How a mixed economy uses market mechanism to solve basic economy problem?

A mixed economy can use the price mechanism to solve basic economy problem by eliminating a surplus if there is a surplus of goods causing the problem. This will cause the market price of those goods to drop. The price mechanism can also be used to expand suppliersâ?? production of a certain good when prices are rising because there is a high customer demand for that good.