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currency is subject to price fluctuation. A company could lose money if the value of the foreign currency is reduced before it can be exchanged into the desired currency

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Q: What problems are raised by paying for a product in a foreign currency?
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How many months is a person required to pay installments on a product?

It depends on what the agreement between the merchant and customer agreed upon. Always avoid payments. Set $ aside in the bank until you can buy it outright. Otherwise your throwing $ away. Until the product is completeley paid for. It depends on how much that product cost when you are trying to determine how many months that you'll be paying for it. For example: you have a product that is $100 and you have to pay $10 a month on it. If you pay $10 a month then it will take you ten months to pay the full $100. $10 monthly installments multiplied by 10 months = $100.

What is the point in mathematics?

Everything. You use it in shopping, when you fill up your car, exchanging foreign currencies, in your job etc. Pretty much anything really. If you're not good at mathematics you should practice it, as it is the most useful thing you have with you during your life. Maths is very important if you want a well-paying job.

Can your credit be damaged by paying less than what is due on time?

Absolutely. It won't be hurt as badly as not paying, but your credit report usually shows a status that reads "pays as agreed." If you're paying less than the minimum amount due each month, you're not paying as agreed and your credit can get dinged.

Why is the decimal point significant?

Because there is quite a significant difference between paying $1.79 for something and paying $179 for the same thing.

Why do we test?

To see if you were paying attention in class.

Related questions

Where will someone get the best exchange rate when buying foreign currency?

Paying more than one needs to when exchanging currency is a terrible waste of money. Someone can get the best exchange rate when buying foreign currency by visiting a bank because banks likely will have the best exchange rates.

Why am I paying AU price on eBay instead of US price?

Probably because the product you are buying was listed for sale within Australia. If you are paying via credit card, the bank(s) will change the currency for whatever the exchange rate is at the time the sale is posted.

How does Forex currency exchange work?

Forex currency exchange works by one person paying another currency for that currency. Generally, there are always rates that people trade with, and they are always changing.

What is trading forex?

The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a worldwide decentralized over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies. Financial centers around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The purpose of the foreign exchange market is to assist international trade and investment. The foreign exchange market allows businesses to convert one currency to another. For example, it permits a U.S. business to import European goods and pay Euros, even though the business's income is in U.S. dollars. In a typical foreign exchange transaction a party purchases a quantity of one currency by paying a quantity of another currency. The modern foreign exchange market started forming during the 1970s when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rates from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system.

What is financial problems?

This means you are having problems with money. Paying your bills that are due or overdue.

How can you get the product key for Skype hacker v2.4.6 WITHOUT paying?

It is not recommended to try and get the product key for Skype hacker v2.4.6 without paying or otherwise. The use of this software is illegal.

A roman coin used for paying taxes in the bible?

shekels was the currency used in biblical times

What is the advertising word for showing a product during a movie?

The paying of money to have a product shown or used in a movie is called "Product placement".

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What constitutes foreign exchange?

In a foreign exchange transaction , one party purchases some quantity of one currency by paying some quantity of another currency. Due to the over-the-counter (OTC) nature of currency markets, there are rather a number of interconnected marketplaces, where different currencies instruments are traded. As to how it's actually done, one first needs to find a foreign exchange platform (or forex platform) in order to start trading. Such platforms usually found by searching the internet for terms like "forex", "foreign exchange", "trading forex, "trading online", etc. An example for such a platform is eToro. When the desired platform is decided upon,an account can be opened and trading can begin. There are two options in forex trading: one is to buy and sell currency pairs, where you go long one currency and short another. This is the more common way. The second way is to purchase derivative, such as options and futures, that track the movements of a specific currency pair. To learn more about forex trading, some useful guides and websites can be found in "related links".

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What skin product works to keep acne away?

You need to determine your skin type and find an appropriate product for you. Ask at the counter if you can find someone who knows about acne or seek advice from your doctor or a dermatologist and then work from there. paying for good advice may save you a lot of problems later.