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Q: What problems can happen when people don't know about another culture?
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To entertain people

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Many problems can arise when moving to a new country, possible currency change, needing to adjust to a new culture, possibly overcoming a language barrier, ect.

Some problems of Japan's culture and globalization?

People are not always repectable.

What are problems faced by multiculturalism?

There are no problems faced by multiculturalism. Multiculturalism encourages racial and ethnic harmony. How can educating people on accepting another culture and being made aware of the contributions to our nation from ALL cultures cause a problem? I feel that the only problems facing multiculturalism, are the people who do not believe in it and who do not embrace what it stands for.

Can you define process by which people of one culture become part of another?

'assimilation' is the process of becoming part of another culture.

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Process by which people of one culture merge into and become part of another culture?

cultural assimilation

Why do people have culture?

Cultures evolve within groups of people based on many elements of those people's lives, such as family duties and responsibilities, community needs, physical location, and belief systems of the group. You yourself have your own culture based on your place within the larger group within which you live. You may not recognize it as a culture if you've never lived among another group of people or in another place. When people come into your culture from another culture, that's when you notice that there is a difference. Cultures show where they are from and hold that in their Heritage.

Do your culture today borrows idea from other people?

Every culture has borrowed ideas from another because of migration.

What culture would most likely borrow from another?

All cultures are likely to borrow from one another. In the modern age, the Internet has allowed people to share ideas and culture with each other. There is practically no limitation as to who can learn from another's culture.