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Math is: you get problems, you solve them.

English is: you get a topic, and you write anything you want, as long as it pertains to the topic.

They are obviously not the same thing, so you will have people who are bad at English, who just happen to be good at Math.

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Q: Why is it that some people are good at math but bad at essay writing?
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Is it normal for people who are good at math to get low grades in essay writing?

Good students should be able to do well both at math and essay writing. If you are having trouble with essay writing, you should do more reading. Everything that you read has something to teach you about writing.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at literature and essay writing you will fail physics and chemistry?

No, it is not true. It is false.

Do you suck at physics chemistry and engineering if you are good at math but bad at programming and essay writing?

No. You do not suck. You can truly . . . whatever the opposite is.

Is it true that if you are a math expert but bad at essay writing you are forbidden to work as an engineer?

yes you are to work as a engineer No. You would not be forbidden to work as an engineer. There might be greater opportunities open to you if you were good at essay writing, but it is not essential.

Why is it that some people who are good at math have bad writing skills?

Given these two characteristics, there are four possibilities: Some people are good at math and have bad writing skills. Some people are good at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have bad writing skills. Leaving aside what it means to be "good" or "bad" at these disciplines, it is likely that these groups of people have varying amounts of genetic predisposition for success at these aptitudes and their environments provided varying amounts of support or resistance to help them fulfill their levels of achievement. If you're suggesting a causal relationship, that to be "good" at one necessarily implies being "bad" at another, I don't think such generalizations are useful.

Related questions

Is it normal for people who are good at math to get low grades in essay writing?

Good students should be able to do well both at math and essay writing. If you are having trouble with essay writing, you should do more reading. Everything that you read has something to teach you about writing.

Is it true that if you're good at math but not good at essay writing you have dyslexia?

no it is normal. i am good at maths but not too good at essay writing too but dont have dyslexia

What majors can you do if you are good at math but bad at essay writing?

Math is good for science and engineering of any type.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at essay writing you will fail technical writing for science and engineering?

That is possible, but it depends upon how bad you are at essay writing. You should probably ask your tutor to evaluate your essay writing and give an opinion of it. Hopefully you have a good tutor who is capable of doing that.

Is it true that if you are good at math but not essay writing you have a learning disorder?

No, it could simply be that you are not sufficiently motivated.

How can one be good at math but bad at science essay writing and computer programming?

It's simple really, there are people who are mathematically oriented but not science oriented

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at literature and essay writing you will fail physics and chemistry?

No, it is not true. It is false.

Are students capable of studying and working in engineering or science if they are good at math but bad at essay writing?

No. If you're bad at essay writing, you might as well just get used to saying "You want fries with that?".

Is it true that if you are bad at essay writing but good at math you are a failure at reports?

Obviously you need writing skills to write just about anything. It helps to be good at math if your report is about a mathematical subject, but you still need writing skills. The best way to acquire those is to practice.

Do you suck at physics and engineering if you are good at math but bad at programming chemistry and essay writing?

No. You do not suck. You can truly . . . whatever the opposite is.

Do you suck at physics chemistry and engineering if you are good at math but bad at programming and essay writing?

No. You do not suck. You can truly . . . whatever the opposite is.

Is it true that if you are a math expert but bad at essay writing you are forbidden to work as an engineer?

yes you are to work as a engineer No. You would not be forbidden to work as an engineer. There might be greater opportunities open to you if you were good at essay writing, but it is not essential.