Nothing propels it at all. It actually always goes that fast, even from its creation. To explain it to you mathematically would require the use of 4-D tensor products, so I won't bother with that here. Suffice it to say, that is one of the postulates of Einstein's general relativity. Light always travels at the same speed in any reference frame.
Refractive Index= Speed of Light in Vaccum / Speed of Light in the material
That is the speed of light.That is the speed of light.That is the speed of light.That is the speed of light.
The speed of light is not limited in a vacuum - the speed of light is fastest in a vacuum. But that is what Einstein called the "Cosmic Speed Limit" - nothing can move faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, or even quite asfast.
The speed of light is the speed at which electromagnetic waves propagate through a medium. The speed of sound is the speed at which acoustic waves propagate through a medium. As the speed of sound relies on the medium moreso than the speed of light, sound propagates much slower than light.
The index of refraction.
Each sleeper car travels at the speed of the locomotive that propels it.
Is what the speed of light or light speed.ANSWER300,000 km/s
A jet plane is propelled by the force produced by its jet engines, which expel high-speed exhaust gases to create thrust. This thrust overcomes drag and allows the plane to move forward through the air.
speed of light I think well it sounds right:)
speed of light
In light speed.
Perhaps coincidentally, the phrase "light speed" refers to a speed.It is a speed.
Light speed is the fastest known speed.
No, it is not possible to travel at the speed of light in water. Light travels at a slower speed in water compared to its speed in a vacuum, which is about 299,792 kilometers per second. The speed of light in water is approximately 225,000 kilometers per second.
From what I understand, electricity is composed of a mass of electrons transisting from atom to atom in somewhat of a hopping motion. Electrons normaly "orbit" an atoms nucleaus at 2/3rds the speed of light, the charge realationship between electrons and atom nucleauses allows this, just as it allows a mass line-up of electrons to "hopp" across atoms at similar speeds. The consectutive pulls of atom nucleauses is essentially what propels a mass line-up of electrons to a speed that makes it classify as electricity.
Speed of Light Speed of Sound: 330m/s Speed of Light: 299 792 458m/s
Celeritas means 'at the speed of light'. In Einstein's formula E=MC2, the 'C2' stands for 'the speed of light times the speed of light, or, the speed of light times itself, or, the speed of light squared.