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their name is formed by 3 letters

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Q: What property do the numbers 1 2 6 and 10 all have that no other whole number has?
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Which property of the real numbers is illustrated by the following statement?

A real number is any number. Real numbers can be whole numbers or numbers which include a decimal point.

Is 580 a whole number or5800?

No. Both are whole numbers but neither is a whole number of the other.

Can a whole number be expressed as a quotient ratio or integers?

Every whole number can be expressed as the quotient or ratio of other whole numbers, and whole numbers ARE integers.

What is a number you get by multiplying a number by other whole numbers?

The product

What you not a whole number?

A whole number is a number is a rational number which, in its simplest form has 1 as divisor. All other numbers are not whole number.

Is there a closure property of subtraction that applies to whole numbers Explain?

Yes there is.Closure means that if x and y are any two whole numbers then x - y must be a whole number.

What are the of examples of whole number?

Whole numbers are integers that do not include decimals or fractions as for example the whole numbers in the number line

Is 0.326 a whole number?

No, 0.326 is not a whole number. Whole numbers are defined by being integers, or numbers without a value (other than 0) past its decimal place.

What is an example of an irrational whole number?

No whole number is irrational. They are all expressible by some other whole numbers such that p/q = (the number), so, no whole number is irrational.

Are there the same amount of numbers in counting numbers as whole numbers?

Curiously enough, yes.For each non-zero counting number, N, there are two whole numbers, -N and N. And then there is zero. So the number of whole numbers is approximately double the number of counting numbers. However, the count of such numbers - the cardinality of both of the two sets - is "countably infinite" and the property of this infinite value is that multiplying it by any number still gives the same infinity!

When is the sum of 2 numbers a whole number?

The sum of two numbers is a whole number if both of the numbers are whole numbers, or if the sum of two fractions can be simplified to a whole number.