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Q: What property of equality allows you to check a solution of an equation?
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What does the division property of equality allow you to do?

you can just use multilecation to do division The division POE (property of equality) Allows you to divide each side of an equation by the same number. If I were solving for x in this equation, I would use the division POE -2x = 4 /-2 /-2 x = -2

What is the multiplicative property of equality?

States that two sides of an equation remain equal if multiplied by the same number. usually seen algebraically as: if a = b, then ac = bc this is the property that allows you to "move" a number to the other side of the equation by multiplying or dividing both sides by the same number.

Addition property of equality?

If x=y then x+z=y+z or If x=y and a=b then x+a=y+b The formal name for the property of equality that allows one to add the same quantity to both sides of an equation. This, along with the multiplicative property of equality, is one of the most commonly used properties for solving equations.

What property of gasses allows them to be pressured into solution?

The property of gases that allows them to be pressured into solution is the property of compressibility. When the compounds are compressed they are brought closer together and the higher the pressure the closer they become.

What unique property of salt allows solution mining to be the easiest was to obtain this mineral?

low attraction

What is the Means-Extremes Product Property of Proportions?

The means-extreme property of proportions is the method that allows you to cross multiply an equation to find the answer. An example would be, if a/b = c/d then ad = bc.

Why is additive identity property important?

It is the number 0. The identity property allows you to solve equations. If you want to remove a term from one side of an equation to add its additive inverse to both sides.

What property is it called if you add parentheses?

Adding parentheses in an equation can change the order of operations and is known as the distributive property. This property allows you to group terms together for simplifying expressions or equations.

What property of sugar allows for their qualitative analysis?

The property of reducing sugars to form colored compounds when heated with certain reagents, such as Benedict's or Fehling's solution, allows for the qualitative analysis of sugars. This reaction helps to identify the presence of sugars based on the color change observed.

What shows a reaction in a solution consisting of only those particles directly involved in the chemical change?

A net ionic equation shows a reaction in a solution by only including the ions that participate in the chemical change, disregarding spectator ions that do not react. This allows for a clearer representation of the actual chemical reaction occurring in the solution.

4R + 3s + 2r = 6r + 3s is what property?

The equation 4R + 3s + 2r = 6r + 3s is an example of the distributive property of addition, where the term 4R is being distributed over the sum of 2r and 6r. To see this more clearly, we can rewrite the equation as: 4R + 3s + 2r = (4R + 6r) + 3s Notice how the terms 4R and 6r are combined and the distributive property allows us to simplify the left-hand side of the equation.

Does C allows you to use equality operators to compare strings?

Yes, it does.