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Q: What property says that xa divided by xb equals xa-b a and b are exponents?
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What is the property that says ab plus c equals ab plus ac?

associative property

Which property says that if a first quantity equals a second quantity then the second quantity equals the first quantity?

That's the reflexive property of equality.

Which property says that a plus b equals b plus a?

The commutative property.

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The reciprocal property of multiplication says that (a/b) times (b/a) equals 1.

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It is called the zero property which says that any number into zero gives zero.

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Show that a x 0 equals 0 x a equals 0?

Yes it does equal 0. This is proved by commutative property of maths which says that 2 numbers can be multiplied in many ways.

What property of addition says that 2 3 3 2?

the answer is commutative propert because its addition 2+3 equals 3+2

Is 6 plus 7 equals 7 plus 6 an associative property?

No, it is the commutative (or Abelian) property. The associative property says that (6 + 7) + 8 = 6 + (7 + 8) and so either can be written as 6 + 7 + 8

What is the property allows you to divide the same quantity from both sides of an equality?

It's not so amazing that you can divide both sides by the same quantity.What IS special is the fact that after you do that, the two sides are stillequal. And it also works for addition, subtraction, and multiplication.Right there in a nutshell is the whole story of working with equations andsolving them. It all rests on the axiom from Algebra that says ...If equals are (added to)/(subtracted from)/(multiplied by)/(divided by) equals,then the results are equal.

800 plus 0 what kind of properties?

800+0=0 is an example of the additive identity property. It says a number + 0 always equals the identical number

If a equals b and b equals c how to proof that a equals c?

The transitive property of equality says that if a=b, then b=c.If a=b and b=c, then a=cTo Prove:Using the equation:a=bsubstituting the value of b in terms of c:which is: b=ctherefore:a=ba=(c)a=c