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Q: Which property says that a factor times the sum of quantities equals the sum of the products of the factor and each quantity?
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Which property says that if a first quantity equals a second quantity then the second quantity equals the first quantity?

That's the reflexive property of equality.

Which property is illustrated by the statement JAR equals JAR?

It is the reflexive property of equality. Any quantity is equal to itself.

SIMPLE explanation of the golden ratio?

Two quantities are in a Golden Ratio if the ratio of the bigger quantity to the smaller quantity is the same as the ratio of the sum of the two quantities to the bigger quantity. In algebraic form, if the two quantities are x and y, and x is the bigger of the two, then they are in the Golden Ratio if x/y = (x+y)/x and that ratio is the Golden Ratio. which equals (1 + √5)/2.

What property is 5x equals 5x?

The equation is true because of the reflexive property of equality which states in words that every quantity is equal to inself.

How do you know that 35x5 equals 5x35 without products?

commutative property

Which postulate states that a quantity must equal itself?

It is the identity property of the equivalence relationship defined by "equals".

What property is illustrated by 8 plus 0 equals 8?

The fact that 8 + 0 = 8 demonstrates the additive identity property of 0. The number 0 can be added to any quantity without altering the value of that quantity. This is because 0 is the additive IDENTITY.

Definition of determinants of supply?

Assuming the market is perfectly competitive and there are no government imposed restriction, the quantity supplied will equal the quantity demanded, meaning the quantity demanded by buyers equals the quantity supplied by sellers.

What is the property of a moving object that equals its mass times its velocity?

The property of a moving object that equals its mass times its velocity is momentum. Momentum is a vector quantity that describes the motion and inertia of an object. It is calculated using the formula: momentum = mass x velocity.

What are means?

a mean is the average of quantity, you find the sum of the quantities then divide that number by the number of quantities. For example to find the sum of 75, 88, 70, 90. Add 75+88+70+90 which equals 323 then divide by 4 and the mean would be 80.75(and possibly round the number)

Where quantity demanded equals quantity supplied or no tendency to change?

This is called equilibrium.

Which property of the real numbers is illustrated by the following w plus bn equals w plus nb?

Commutativity of multiplication.There is also, implicitly, the property that equals plus equals are equal.Commutativity of multiplication.There is also, implicitly, the property that equals plus equals are equal.Commutativity of multiplication.There is also, implicitly, the property that equals plus equals are equal.Commutativity of multiplication.There is also, implicitly, the property that equals plus equals are equal.