You should check whether you can simplify the answer.
If you multiply the numerator and denominator of a fraction by any non-zero number, you get an equivalent fraction. It does not matter if the original numerator or denominator is (or both are) numbers, variables/letters or algebraic expressions. So x/y = 2x/2y = 7x/7y = 5.5x/5.5y. Hope you get the idea.
Back in ancient Rome, they needed a counting system. I dunno, Romans can be pretty creative when it comes to math. So, vola! They came up with Roman numerals.
Checking your solution in the original equation is always a good idea,simply to determine whether or not you made a mistake.If your solution doesn't make the original equation true, then it's wrong.
No; copyright protects specific expressions of ideas, not the ideas themselves.
Creative Writing is a genre that can fit any book, fiction nonfiction or poem. The idea of Creative Writing is creative, and has mainly an original idea for stories.
Creative Writing is a genre that can fit any book, fiction nonfiction or poem. The idea of Creative Writing is creative, and has mainly an original idea for stories.
Creative arts: Means animation in the sense of movement then it might be creative or it might not, you've also got the idea of animated expressions e.g. comic or tragedic etc.
An idea machine is a person who constantly generates creative and innovative ideas. They are often characterized by their ability to think outside the box, connect seemingly unrelated concepts, and come up with original solutions to problems. Idea machines can be valuable assets in fields like business, technology, and creative industries.
What creative idea did Courtney miles have in harrican katrina
The underlying creative idea in an ad is often referred to as the "concept" or "big idea." It is the central theme or message that drives the creative execution and helps to effectively communicate the brand or product to the audience.
An original phrase is a unique combination of words that has not been widely used or recognized before. It conveys a specific idea or message in a fresh and creative way, often showcasing the individuality and creativity of the person who coined it.
"pHocus Pocus: Exploring the World of Acids and Bases"
Wwe creative team
creative rhythm dance is a kind of dance which may be in the form of expressing our own idea.
"Patents protect the functional expressions of an idea not the idea itself ; whereas Trademark protects the symbol that indicates the source or origin of the goods and services to which it is affixed." -- These are the illustrated intellectual properties which need to be further established unto the trade , profession and well accepted work practices existent/anew in the Industries and Businesses.