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Large prime numbers are used in encryption. The larger the primes, the better the encryption. Typically each of two people will provide a prime; you need to know both prime numbers to decrypt.

A program is used to calculate the values to be sent. The message is sent along with the product of the primes (sender's prime * receiver's prime). Since the number will be large it is difficult to crack (again, larger the better). To decrypt you have to know both prime numbers. Knowing one and the product makes it easy (just divide). If you only have the product, decrypting can be very time-consuming as you are forced to find the factors of the number

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Q: What real-life situations are prime numbers used?
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What real life situations are prime numbers used?

Any situation numbers are used.

How can prime numbers be used in your everyday life?

Prime numbers are used to find the LCM of numbers Prime numbers are used to find the HCF of numbers Prime numbers are used to simplify fractions Prime numbers are used to find the LCD of fractions

Which prime numbers can be mulitiplied to form?

Prime numbers are used to find the product of the prime factors of composite numbers.

How are prime and composite numbers used in everyday jobs?

Prime numbers and composite numbers are not used in daily jobs. However they are used by scientists to prove theorems.

What are a dozen or more facts about prime numbers?

1 Prime numbers have only 2 factors which are themselves and one 2 Prime numbers can't be composite numbers which have more than 2 factors 3 Prime numbers are odd except for two which is the only even prime number 4 Prime numbers are used in finding the LCM of 2 or more numbers 5 Prime numbers are used in finding the HCF of 2 or more numbers 6 Prime numbers are used in finding the LCD of fractions 7 Prime numbers are used in reducing fraction to their lowest terms 8 Prime numbers are rational because they can be expressed as fractions 9 Prime numbers are infinite 10 Prime numbers are irrational when square rooted 11 Prime numbers can't be 0 or 1 which are also not composite numbers 12 Prime numbers don't follow a forecasted numerical pattern 13 Prime numbers make up 25% of the first 100 integers or whole numbers 14 Prime numbers have a code amongst themselves that has never been cracked

Related questions

What real life situations are prime numbers used?

Any situation numbers are used.

How can prime numbers be used in your everyday life?

Prime numbers are used to find the LCM of numbers Prime numbers are used to find the HCF of numbers Prime numbers are used to simplify fractions Prime numbers are used to find the LCD of fractions

Which prime numbers can be mulitiplied to form?

Prime numbers are used to find the product of the prime factors of composite numbers.

How are prime and composite numbers used in everyday jobs?

Prime numbers and composite numbers are not used in daily jobs. However they are used by scientists to prove theorems.

Why are prime numbers useful in retail?

Prime numbers are used in encryption of financial transactions.

What are a dozen or more facts about prime numbers?

1 Prime numbers have only 2 factors which are themselves and one 2 Prime numbers can't be composite numbers which have more than 2 factors 3 Prime numbers are odd except for two which is the only even prime number 4 Prime numbers are used in finding the LCM of 2 or more numbers 5 Prime numbers are used in finding the HCF of 2 or more numbers 6 Prime numbers are used in finding the LCD of fractions 7 Prime numbers are used in reducing fraction to their lowest terms 8 Prime numbers are rational because they can be expressed as fractions 9 Prime numbers are infinite 10 Prime numbers are irrational when square rooted 11 Prime numbers can't be 0 or 1 which are also not composite numbers 12 Prime numbers don't follow a forecasted numerical pattern 13 Prime numbers make up 25% of the first 100 integers or whole numbers 14 Prime numbers have a code amongst themselves that has never been cracked

What is the difference between a prime number and a prime factor?

Not a lot. They're both prime numbers. A factor that is prime is used to make other numbers.

Uses of prime numbers in daily life?

Prime numbers are used to encrypt credit cards and identify them.

Where in maths are prime numbers used?

Prime factorizations, for one example.

What are a dozen or more prime facts relevant to prime numbers?

1 Prime numbers have only 2 factors which are themselves and one 2 Prime numbers are different to composite numbers which have more than 2 factors 3 Prime numbers are rational because they can be expressed as improper fractions 4 Prime numbers are integers which are whole numbers 5 Prime numbers are used to find the lowest common multiple of numbers 6 Prime numbers are used to find the highest common factor of numbers 7 Prime numbers take up 25% of the first 100 integers 8 Prime numbers are odd except for 2 which is the only even prime number 9 Prime numbers are used to find the lowest common denominator of fractions 10 Prime numbers are infinite and don't follow a predictable pattern 11 Prime numbers do not include 1 because its only factor is itself 12 Prime numbers when squared are perfect squares 13 Prime numbers when square rooted are irrational 14 Prime numbers can be found in the ancient Roman numeral system 15 Prime numbers of 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 and 47 are the first fifteen prime numbers in ascending order

How are real numbers used to describe real-world situations?


Where did Eratosthenes Sieve invent prime no?

The Sieve did not invent prime numbers. It was used to find them.