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Q: What records a value that may change for instance age name total?
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Public instance variables are not dangerous, but can put your program at risk of being hacked. For instance, say the variable bacon is an integer that represents your health in a game, and its value is 50. Someone could change its value to 1,000,000 by using a program called a decompiler, then change the code, and recompile it.

Does a stock split affect what your total shares are worth at the time of the split?

Occasionally, corporations split their stock. However, this does not change the value of the shareholder's shares on the corporation records or the corporation's net worth.

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What is the journal entry for a stock split?

1. For stock split there is no general entry passed as there is no change in the value of stocks just change in the number of shares. Example: If you have 10 shares of $10 each then total value is $100, if company decide to Split 2 to 1 then 10 became 20 shares of value of $100, so unit value is reduced to $5 each share but no change in the total value of shares.

What is a historical value in records management?

History of Native American Tribe 1920 to 1953. I would like to have these books copied.

Why would you use subtraction in real life?

One example: You go into a shop to buy some goods. The total price is 8.45 but you only have a 10.00 note. You give the note; How much change should you expect so that you can check you have receive d the right amount. The amount of change to receive is the total price of 8.45 SUBTRACTED from 10.00, the value of the note. Or, if you were the shop assistant, how much change should you give for goods at value when given a note of value 10.00? You may say "but the till tells me," but the till has used subtraction of the value of goods sold from the value tendered to work out the change.

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What is the value of Elvis records?

Elvis records are alot of of money i would pay alot just to get on record

Where can I find the value of 78 records Columbia Records got to Be This Or That by Benny Goodman?

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How does a change in the value of an input variable affect the value of an output variable?

The change in the input value is equalto the change in the output value.

What can change the value of an expression in math?

A change in the coefficient, a change in the value of a variable.

What does it mean to substitute a given value for each variable in an algeraic expression?

It means you replace each instance of the given variable with the given value. For instance, you have the following equation: A(A+2A)= B Then someone says to "substitute the value '4' for each instance of 'A'. You'd just replace them, and get: 4 ( 4 + 2(4)) = B