Yes. Composite numbers can be written as the product of prime factors.
Prime numbers have two factors, composite numbers have more than two.
Prime numbers can not composite as - Prime number has only 2 factors whereas composite have more than 2
Prime numbers have two factors; composite numbers have more than two.
All numbers have factors. Some factors are prime numbers, some are composite numbers. A factor that is a composite number is a composite factor.
The relationship between prime numbers and composite numbers is that they are antonyms or opposites of each other. A natural number, is either prime or composite, but it can not be both. Prime numbers have only two factors, one and itself. Composite numbers are whole numbers that are not prime numbers, which means that they have factors other than one and itself.
Yes. Composite numbers can be written as the product of prime factors.
Prime numbers are numbers with only two factors. Composite numbers are numbers with more than two factors.
Composite numbers have more than two factors. So, the numbers which have two or less than two factors are not composite numbers. Numbers which have exactly two factors are prime numbers. 1 is an exceptional case because it is neither prime nor composite since it has only one factor which is 1.
Prime numbers have two factors, composite numbers have more than two.
Prime numbers have two factors, composite numbers have more than two.
Prime numbers have two factors, composite numbers have more than two.
Prime numbers have only 2 factors while composite numbers have more than 2 factors
Prime numbers can not composite as - Prime number has only 2 factors whereas composite have more than 2
composite has more than 2 factors and prime has 2 factors
A prime number is 2 factors and a composite number is 3 or more!
Prime numbers have two factors; composite numbers have more than two.