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Q: What represents the cumulative effects of repeated deployments?
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What is repeated measures?

The repeated measures design (also known as a within-subjects design) uses the same subjects with every condition of the research, including the control.[1] For instance, repeated measures are collected in a longitudinal study in which change over time is assessed. Other studies compare the same measure under two or more different conditions. For instance, to test the effects of caffeine on cognitive function, a subject's math ability might be tested once after they consume caffeine and another time when they consume a placebo.(Source Reference: - )

Can you commit suicide by eating a bottle of tums?

Over-consumption of calcium carbonate can result in the serious and sometimes fatal condition known as hypercalcemia. This condition can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and an alteration of mental status. The effects of excessive calcium are cumulative, and while possible to commit suicide with this substance, it would be increasingly painful and would take a very long time, possibly decades of chronic abuse.

What are positive and negative effects of levees?

Negative effects are can cause flooding if broken

What is positive spillover?

the positive effects soemthing has on other people the positive effects soemthing has on other people

What are the positive and negative effects of Spain and Portugal?

The positive effects on Spain is that the more tourists come Spain gain alot of money The negative effects on Spain is that eventually Spain will be overcrowded and the government will have to build more hotels

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What is cumulative poison?

Cumulative poison is a type of poison that builds up in the body over time with repeated exposure, leading to toxic effects. Unlike acute poisons that cause immediate harm, cumulative poisons can cause health problems after prolonged or repeated exposure even at low levels. Examples include lead and mercury.

What has the author Samuel C Williamson written?

Samuel C. Williamson has written: 'Annotated bibliography of ecological cumulative impacts assessment' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Cumulative effects assessment (Environmental assessment), Ecological surveys

Chronic effects develop after many years and repeated overexposures?


Why do people misuse alcohol?

For the same reasons that any other drug is misused. For the temporary effects they give. Unfortunately many, including alcohol, are addictive and the side effects can be cumulative and debilitating.

What are the health effects of repeated exposure to loud noises?

One word..... Deafness

What do the scientists do their experimental tests more than once so they can reduce the effects of chance errors this is called conducting?

Repeated Trials

Could smelling an open peach seed with cyanide harm you?

One seed, no. However given enough seeds and a close environment - the effects of the cyanide are cumulative!.

Can you drink beer with amoxicillin and vicodin?

You really shouldn't. The cumulative effects on your liver can be lethal.

What has the author Kristen Bunte written?

Kristen Bunte has written: 'Scale considerations and the detectability of sedimentary cumulative watershed effects' -- subject(s): Watershed management, Sedimentation and deposition, Sediment transport

What happens to the respiratory depressant effects of a medication when combined with alcohol or another drug with respiratory depressant effects?

The respiratory depressant effects of a medication when combined with alcohol or another drug with respiratory depressant effects is cumulative. That means they add to each other, so the effect increases. Therefore, the risk of death is greater. You should always follow the instructions about combining drugs like these with alcohol.

Indirect Effects of a Change in Accounting Principle?

it is one of three effects of change in accounting principle (direct,indirect, and cumulative effects).The indirect effect of change in accounting principles are differences in non-discretionary items based on earnings (e.g bonuses) that would have occurred if the new principle had been used in prior years.quoted from Becker CPA

Which type of dose-response relationship represents radiation-induced leukemia and genetic effects?

Linear threshol