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It is an approximate average value for acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth. It is affected by altitude, the density of the material near the surface from place to place. And of course, it is totally useless in space, on the moon or Mars.

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Q: What restriction exist in using 9.81 N per kg as the proportionality constant for determining weight?
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Can you take a 55 inches tv on the airplane?

Yes, as long as it does not exceed the weight restriction.

What is the formula for calculating weight when you know the mass?

Weight = Mass x (Local Gravitational Constant)/(Standard Gravitational COnstant)

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Weight in a constant gravitational field is also constant, regardless of any surroundings. The weight will be two newtons underwater as well.

Why is constant weight important?

Constant weight is important in scientific experiments to ensure that any change in measurements or observations is due to the variables being tested and not due to changes in weight. Maintaining a constant weight helps to minimize potential sources of error and increases the accuracy and reliability of the experimental results.

How do you use the word weight in a sentence?

The great weight of a blue whale is balanced by its buoyancy in the water. His shoulders seemed to sag under the weight of his responsibilities. The heavy weight was being used as a makeshift doorstop.