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It can be any polynomial rule with integer coefficients in which there are an even number of odd coefficients.

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Q: What rule describes a pattern that will have even numbers?
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What is the rule that describes this pattern 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29?

The first ten odd numbers

What is the rule that describes this pattern of numbers 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29?

It is not a rule as such; those number are the first 10 prime numbers.

What is a rule that describes a pattern in nature?

a law!

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The pattern is... add 7 then subtract 4. The next two numbers would be 45 & 41.

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Each number is decreasing by half.

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prime numbers

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Hopefully, one of the rules is to put spaces between the numbers so we can discern a pattern.

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Check the differences between consecutive numbers.

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Homework question: The first numbetr is 4. A rule is multiply by 2 and then subtract 3. What are the first 6 numbers in the pattern

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Either the pattern that is given is riddled with errors or it is an extremely complex pattern. The best that I can do is the polynomial of degree 6 as the power of ten. Thus, the nth term is 10Un where Un = 0.0083333n6 - 0.2076923n5 + 1.9855769n4 - 9.1139278n3 + 20.3854604n2 - 20.2990094n + 9.25 and even that is only an approximate fit.

What is the rule of the pattern 1 4 9 16 25?

consecutive square numbers