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Q: What sample is used on seven eyes seven horns?
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What features are medieval masks?

Masks in Medieval time period were often used in plays. They were usually used to portray the seven sins, and evil in a way, so they were dark and scary looking, often with fangs, horns and crazy looking eyes.

Why do antlers fall of and horns dont?

The term antler is most often used to refer to the horns of members of the deer family Cervidae.This is a bit of a stretch, but I am going to guess that the term is an abbreviation of "ante-occular" meaning "behind the eyes", since this is where the horns of these animals originate as opposed to (more or less) "beside the eyes" as is the case with the bovines, Bovidae.Also, the deer family have solid horns, whereas the bovines have hollow horns. Perhaps the different names are simply meant to distinguish one type of horn from the other.

What are the different types of horns commonly used in musical instruments?

The different types of horns commonly used in musical instruments are brass horns, woodwind horns, and natural horns. Brass horns include the trumpet, trombone, and French horn. Woodwind horns include the saxophone and clarinet. Natural horns are typically made from animal horns and are used in traditional and folk music.

Why poach rhinos?

They poach them for their horns. The horns are used for supposed medical use or sold for money.

What are horns of rhinos used for?

They use their horns for fighting or defenses purposes.

What was used for the horns of the buffalo?

they were used for tools.

What is the function of arching horns in the insulators?

These horns are used to protect the bushing on transformers. The horns also form a sparking gap for the insulators.

What is the name of the horns used in the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games?

Vuvuzeles are the horns used in Africian soccer games and at the Olympics.

Which valuable part of its body the rhinoceros are facing a serious threat from the poachers?

The horns. the horns are used to make medicine,ivory and horn horns

What are powder horns used for?

They are used to carry gunpowder.

Why are rhinos poached?

They poach them for their horns. The horns are used for supposed medical use or sold for money.

What is a goal horn?

a goal horn is a horn that sounds off after a goal the home team scores. the most common types of horns used are train horns, boat horns, fog horns, barge horns and sometimes truck horns. they can be loud, but it depends on the amount of PSI they're fed.