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Q: What scores did she get?
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Related questions

When to you use a z scores or t scores?

If the distribution is Gaussian (or Normal) use z-scores. If it is Student's t, then use t-scores.

Adding all the scores and dividing that total by the number of scores?

Adding all the scores and dividing by the number of scores yields the mean or average.

What tense is scores for?

"Scores" is present tense.

What are netball scores?

netball scores are people who keep track of how many goals each team scores ;)

How do you find the scores at the 60th percentile in a set of 200 scores?

You can't do this without knowing the distribution of scores.

If Monopoly scores 15 and Cluedo scores 9 which board game scores 14?


What was yesterdays NFL scores?

i do not know the scores please

Are normal scores the same as z-scores?

They should be.

Can you get and equivalent American SAT scores for your Australian VCE ENTER scores?

These scores are not published comparatively. You can obtain the desired scores on the VCE from the particular institution you are interested in directly.

If the standard deviation of 10 scores is 0?

If the standard deviation of 10 scores is zero, then all scores are the same.

What is the average sat score for students in Howard university?

Test Scores for 2006-2007 SAT verbal scores over 500 70%, SAT math scores over 500 66%, ACT scores over 18 94%, SAT verbal scores over 600 25%, SAT math scores over 600 21%, ACT scores over 24 33%, SAT verbal scores over 700 4%, SAT math scores over 700 3%, ACT scores over 30 2%

The mean of a distribution of scores is the?

The mean of a distribution of scores is the average.