To any set that contains it!
It belongs to {-1},
or {45, sqrt(2), -1, pi, -3/7},
or all whole numbers between -43 and 53,
or square roots of 1,
or negatives of counting numbers,
or integers,
or rational numbers,
or real numbers,
or complex numbers,
Neative and it's a whole number, I think
It is a natural (or counting) number, a whole number, an integer, a rational number, and a real number.
It belongs to any set that contains it: The set of numbers between 3 and 4, The set containing only the number 3.1414 repeating, The set containing 1, 3.1414 (r) , and sqrt(37) The set of rational numbers, The set of real numbers, etc
4 doesn't belong because it's an even number.
what set is 0.56
48 doesn't belong! 1-2 (+3) 5-10 (+3) 13-26 (+3) 29-48 In each set the 1st number is half of the 2nd exept for the last set.
Neative and it's a whole number, I think
It is a natural (or counting) number, a whole number, an integer, a rational number, and a real number.
It can be element of: Rational numbers or Real numbers
0.2 is not a prime number. Prime numbers belong to the set of whole numbers.
It means 'belongs to' eg. If A={1,2,3,4,5,6} then "5 belongs to A" belongs to the given set and when for number has a cross, it means that 'don't belong to' so, "8 don't belong to A".
It belongs to any set that contains it: The set of numbers between 3 and 4, The set containing only the number 3.1414 repeating, The set containing 1, 3.1414 (r) , and sqrt(37) The set of rational numbers, The set of real numbers, etc
4 doesn't belong because it's an even number.
odd numbers, perfect square numbers