There is no such expression. The normal to a surface, at a given point is the radius of curvature of the surface, at that point.
A curved surface area can be described as one where the gradient of the normal to the surface changes smoothly from point to point.
NONE!!!!! 'One point' has no dimensions, so there are no square feet in one point.
If ... the square of (the x-coordinate of the point minus the x-coordinate of the center of the circle) added to the square of (the y-coordinate of the point minus the y-coordinate of the center of the circle) is equal to the square of the circle's radius, then the point is on the circle.
yes, a circle has the smallest surface area of anything. just imagine a circle inside a square so that there is 1 point on each side of the square touching a point on the circle. The corners of the square are the only thing the circle does not have, while the circle does not have anything the square does not have. Square is bigger
There is no such expression. The normal to a surface, at a given point is the radius of curvature of the surface, at that point.
Square-Point was created in 2008.
The distance between the surface at the center of a reflective surface and its focal point is equal to half the radius of curvature of the surface.
A curved surface area can be described as one where the gradient of the normal to the surface changes smoothly from point to point.
First I assume that you mean triangle and not traingle. The answer depends on the form in which you have information about the triangle.If the vertices of the triangle are known in terms of their coordinates: if the three vertices are (xa, ya), (xb, yb) and (xc, yc) then the CoG has the coordinates [(xa+xb+xc)/3, (ya+yb+yc)/3)].Otherwise, they CoG is the point where the medians of the triangle meet.
NONE!!!!! 'One point' has no dimensions, so there are no square feet in one point.
The average depth is 40 meters and the deepest spot is 83 meters.
The flux through a closed surface enclosing a point charge is independent of the size of the volume it encloses. This is because the electric field due to a point charge follows an inverse square law, resulting in the flux being constant regardless of the size of the enclosing surface.
Scratch or engrave the surface.
"Normal to the surface" refers to a line that is perpendicular to the surface at a specific point. It is used in mathematics, physics, and engineering to indicate the direction of greatest change or slope at that point on the surface.