It is an octahedron which is one of the Platonic Solids having 8 equilateral triangular faces and 12 edges.
It has 5 rectangular faces ans two pentagonal faces
a DOT/POINT . By my 'silly argument, a circle has two sides ; INside ans OUTside.
A ball with that many faces would be close to a sphere, so its volume ans surface area, and other properties could be approximated using pi.
Yes. A kite is a geometric shape, ans as with all geometric shapes (save for the circle and sphere), it has angles.
my Answer that it is a triangle because a triangle has 3 sides and not 4 sides witch the triangle names are isosceles triangle and equilateral and scalene and right triangle and obtuse triangle ans acute triangle
i knw it the ans is blah
It has 5 rectangular faces ans two pentagonal faces
how does the court shape American political ans social life
rectange ans square
a DOT/POINT . By my 'silly argument, a circle has two sides ; INside ans OUTside.
A ball with that many faces would be close to a sphere, so its volume ans surface area, and other properties could be approximated using pi.
The Kanker Sisters enjoy teasing and tormenting the Eds as part of their mean-spirited behavior. Kissing them is a way to further embarrass and intimidate the Eds.
it is similar, easy as that. congruent is same shape same size ans similar is same shape different size similar=two figures that have the same shape, but not necessarily the same size
Ans.........Cartilage or It is constructed of inflexible cartilage that always maintains it's shape.
Yes. A kite is a geometric shape, ans as with all geometric shapes (save for the circle and sphere), it has angles.
It is not possible to answer this question without knowing the actual expression used in the assignment statement. The following are merely example expressions showing some of the values that could be assigned to ans: int ans, p=100, q=50; ans = p + q; // ans = 150 ans = p * q; // ans = 5000 ans = p - q; // ans = -50 ans = p / q; // ans = 2 ans = p % q; // ans = 0