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Q: What shape has every side perpendicular to another side and parallel to a different side?
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Lines of latitude and lines of longitude are perpendicular to?

Every meridian of longitude is perpendicular to every parallel of latitude, and every parallel of latitude is perpendicular to every meridian of longitude.

What is opposite parallel lines?

the opposite of parallel lines are Perpendicular. A perpendicular angle or line is where there is a 90 degree on each and every side.

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Yes. There can be a line perpendicular to the given line at every point on it, and you know how many different points there are on it ...

How many parallel lines in a cylinder 2?

A cylinder includes an infinite number of parallel lines. Every line in the curved surface is parallel to every other one and perpendicular to the two ends. . "A cylinder 2" is meaningless. You would have to look at the homework you're trying to get the answer for to see what cylinder 2 means.

In every right angle one line segment is perpendicular to another is that true or false?

True. A right angle is 90o so the lines which form it must be mutually perpendicular.

What is every line of latitude is parallel to?

Every line of latitude is parallel to the equator.

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Does a cone have perpendicular lines?

The axis of a right circular cone is perpendicular to every radius or diameter of the base.

A vedtor which is perpendicular to every vector?

The zero vector is not perpendicular to all vectors, but it is orthogonal to all vectors.

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Do wolves have personalities?

yes every wolf is different from another

What do lines of latitude and longitude form when they intersect?

Lines of latitude and longitude intersect to form a grid system that provides specific coordinates for any location on Earth. This grid system helps to pinpoint exact locations and navigate accurately across the globe.