Zero corners and edges, and a cyllindar has two faces.
it has zero edges and sides and faces
A sphere has no edges or edges but its face is globular.
An octagon, (2D) has one face, zero edges, and eight sides.
nothing does... that's actually impossible
Zero corners and edges, and a cyllindar has two faces.
One face, zero vertices (corners), zero edges.
it has zero edges and sides and faces
A sphere has no edges or edges but its face is globular.
a circle
An octagon, (2D) has one face, zero edges, and eight sides.
A cone
A torus has one surface, no edges, no vertices.
A water bottle typically has two edges (the top and bottom rims) and zero corners (rounded edges). A cone has one edge (the curved surface) and one corner (the pointed tip).
A circle?