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Q: What shape kite will fly higher and longer?
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Can a kite fly in any shape?

No, because if its small or pointy it will fall, if its big it will fly

How do kites fly?

Kites fly due to the pressure difference created by the wind blowing over and under the kite. The shape of the kite and the angle at which it is held in the wind create lift, allowing the kite to stay airborne. By pulling on the string, the flyer can control the kite's position and direction in the sky.

Why is spring the best time to fly a kite?

Spring is a great time to fly a kite because the weather is typically mild with enough wind for kite flying. The higher chance of clear skies and longer daylight hours also make it an ideal season for outdoor activities like kite flying. Additionally, the fresh greenery and blooming flowers can provide a picturesque backdrop for flying a kite in spring.

How you kite flies?

You fly a kite by.

When was Fly My Kite created?

Fly My Kite was created on 1931-05-30.

When was Go Fly a Kite created?

You go fly a kite ( rewrite in indirect direct spcech)

Why is drag important to fly a kite?

because the drag helps the kite have balance,and it helps the kite fly further and better,and if kite didnt have a drag force they wouldn't have balance when theyre flying and they will lose their capacity to fly,so without drag it is not possible for a kite to fly.

Where not to fly a kite?

In places that are not windy i guess. cause i kite needs wind to fly!

Where should you fly a kite?

You should fly a kite where there is no power lines. Parks are great places to fly kites.

Are all the opposite sides of a kite equal?

Well that depends on the shape it is. If it were a diamond yes, if it were some organic shape, then no like i said it depends. A kite has to be aerodynamically viable to fly this does not mean it has to have equal sides , only the ability to stay airborne.

Does a kite fly higher when it is fitted with a long tail or a short tail explain it in scientific method?

Because of high gravity in the sky the kite flys when it is fixed with a log tail.