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Q: What shape of a graph does a linear relationship show?
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How does a linear relationship show up in a graph?

A linear relationship will show up on a graph as a straight line.

How does the pattern of a change for a linear relationship show up in a table graph and an equation of the relationship?

you put in what x is and solve it for y! thats the answer!

What does the line on a speed or time graph show?

The shape and slope of the line on a graph illustrates the qualitative and quantitative relationship between the variables plotted on the axes of the graph. Sadly, there is no such graph as a "speed or time" one.

What graph can be used to show relationship?

circle graph

How does the pattern of change for a linear relationship show up?

In geometry, a linear relationship is represented as a straight line.

What is the nature of distance time graph for uniform motion of an object?

the distance time graph will show a linear or a straight line

Why you use semi-log graph over normal graph?

why would you use a semi-logarithmic graph instead of a linear one?what would the curve of the graph actually show?

What is the difference between double bar graph and double line graph?

A double bar graph is a graph that uses pairs of bars to compare and show the relationship between data. However, a double line graph is a grid graph that uses pairs of lines to compare and show the relationship between data.

What does non linear graph show?

"Dose" is a measured portion of a medicine. So a non linear graph could show the quantity of medication that is needed for different conditions. The condition may be the age of the patient, their mass, severity of illness. "Non-linear" means that the graph is not a straight line: the same change in the independent variable does not lead to the same change in the dosage.

What relationship would a graph show if it has a negative slope?

It would show a relationship where one variable decreased as the other increased.

Used to show the relationship between two variables?

Line graph is used to show relationship between two variables.

How does the graph change as the speed changes?

As the speed increases, the graph will show larger spikes and faster fluctuations. Slower speeds will result in smaller spikes and slower fluctuations. The relationship between speed and the shape of the graph depends on the specific context of the data being graphed.