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Q: What shape of a pillar will hold the most load?
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What shape can hold the most weight?

a donut shape will hold the most weight.and also an l shape

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The answer will depend onwhich country's currency the question is about,whether the question refers to a 2-d shape or 3-d shape,the exact dimensions of the shape.

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The premise of the question is incorrect. The Shahada IS actually the most important pillar of Islam.

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Most of the time front load dryers are more expensive than top load dryers. The reason being they are more professional than the top load dryers. They sometimes hold bigger loads than the top loaders do.

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It depends on the size of the person, But most likely "Yes" he should be able to load it himself with adult supervision.

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Bottles are made to carry the most amount of liquid in the smallest volume. The best shape would be a cuboid but these have sharp corners, (Health & Safety), therefore the smallest shape which can hold the second most volume is a cylinder.

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I want to build a truss bridge because truss bridge is most economical and his dead load is too low.

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no, suspended load is responsible for the most stream erosion10. Question:Which load is responsible for the most stream erosion?Your Answer:Bed load CORRECT ANSWER Suspended load INCORRECT Dissolved load

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It depends on the size and shape of the garbage can. But a garbage bin can most probably hold more than a gallon unless the garbage can is a gallon.