

Best Answer

The answer will depend on

  • which country's currency the question is about,
  • whether the question refers to a 2-d shape or 3-d shape,
  • the exact dimensions of the shape.
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Q: What shape will hold the most pennies?
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What shape can hold the most weight?

a donut shape will hold the most weight.and also an l shape

How many pennies is the most a wet paper towel can hold?

The number of pennies a wet paper towel can hold varies depending on its size and absorbency, but on average, a wet paper towel can hold around 30-40 pennies.

How many pennies can a paper bridge hold?

35 pennies

How many pennies can fit in a aluminum foil boat until it sinks?

The number of pennies that can fit in an aluminum foil boat before it sinks will depend on the size and shape of the boat, as well as the weight distribution of the pennies. Experimentation would be needed to determine the exact number in each specific case.

How much money in pennies will a half gallon milk jug hold?

A half gallon jug can hold about $25.00 in pennies. (:

What is the best shape for an aluminum boat that holds the most amount of pennies whilst staying buoyant?

I would think a canoe or a cruise boat because a canoe can keep level while a triangle or other shapes might tip over due to unbalance. However a cruise-ship is deep and would hold more pennies.

Can you hold more pumpkins or more pennies?

Pennies...unless your pumpkins are the size of dimes.

Which shape boat will hold the most weight?

Squared and triangles

How many pennies can a paper towel hold?

AnswerA paper towel can hold as many as 900 pennies and 2 weights before it breaks.

What boat will hold more pennies?

circle boat

How many pennies can a wet paper towel hold?

A wet paper towel can hold a few pennies, usually less than 10, depending on its size and how wet it is. The water adds some strength to the paper towel, but it can still tear easily if too many pennies are placed on it.

Does folded paper work to hold up pennies?

Yes , Because the folding paper is stronger and holds a lot of pennies.