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Q: What do you call a 3d shape with a square base and 2 rectangle sides and 2 triangle sides?
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What is a shape with 2 triangle sides and 2 rectangle sides?

There is no such shape.

What is the perimeter for triangle square and rectangle?

Triangle = sum of its 3 sides Square = sum of its 4 sides Rectangle = sum of its 4 sides

What shape has fewer sides than a rectangle?


What shape has 3 vertices and 3 sides?

a triangle

Hexagon is to pentagon as rectangle is to?

as rectangle is to square I would say Rectangle is to Triangle. Because Hexagon-6sides, pentagon-5 sides, Rectangle-4 sides, triangle 3 sides. But that is just me :)

Is square both as rectangle and a triangle?

A square is a rectangle.A square is not a triangle. Triangles only have 3 sides.

Why can't rectangle be a square?

A rectangle can't be a square because, Square is a shape with all four sides equal to each other. while, A rectangle is a shape of which two opposite sides are always equal.

Why a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square?

A rectangle is a plane four sided shape. It has two pairs of parallel sides which meet at right angles. So is a square. The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal but in a square all four sides are equal. So a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square.

Can a square be a rectangle?

No. A square by definition is a shape with 4 "equal" sides yes a square is a rectangle because a rectangle has everything but equal sides so it is still the same

Why is triangle stronger than a rectangle?

Given unchanging lengths of the sides, a triangle cannot change its shape. But given unchanging lengths of the sides of a rectangle, it can change its shape by some force by changing its angle measurements. If a 2d load were put on a rectangle, enough force could squish the rectangle into a parallelogram, whereas a triangle cannot change shape without changing the lengths of its sides or bending its sides out of shape (most likely into a curve).Given these properties, a rectangle can collapse its shape much more easily and is flimsy compared to a triangle.

What is that shape with 4 sides?


What shape has opposite sides that are equal?

square + rectangle