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Any shape with four straight sides is a quadrilateral. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, and a parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides. So any shape with four straight sides and no parallel sides is a quadrilateral that is not a parallelogram or trapezoid.

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Q: What shapes are quadrilaterals but not parallelograms or trapezoids?
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Can All quadrilaterals can be classified as either parallelograms or trapezoids?

No because all quadrilaterals are 4 sided shapes which includes parallelograms, trapezoids, squares, rectangles, kites......etc

Is a quadrilateral a trapezoid?

No, a quadrilateral isn't always a trapezoid. One way to consider it is that all trapezoids are quadrilaterals (four-sided shapes), but not all quadrilaterals are trapezoids. Some quadrilaterals are concave quadrilaterals, some are scalene convex quadrilaterals (called trapezoids in the UK), some would be trapezoids, and some would be parallelograms (rectangles, squares, rhomboids, rhombi). If parallelograms are considered a special case of trapezoids, then trapezoids would include all non-scalene convex quadrilaterals, which is a highly inclusive definition.

Is a trapezoid is a quadrilateral.?

No, a quadrilateral isn't always a trapezoid. One way to consider it is that all trapezoids are quadrilaterals (four-sided shapes), but not all quadrilaterals are trapezoids. Some quadrilaterals are concave quadrilaterals, some are scalene convex quadrilaterals (called trapezoids in the UK), some would be trapezoids, and some would be parallelograms (rectangles, squares, rhomboids, rhombi). If parallelograms are considered a special case of trapezoids, then trapezoids would include all non-scalene convex quadrilaterals, which is a highly inclusive definition.

Are some quadrilaterals trapezoids?

All quadrilaterals are 4 sided shapes which includes trapezoids.

What are quadrilaterals that aren't rectangles?

Squares, parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapezoids are quadrilaterals that are not rectangles.

What are the irregular quadrilaterals?

Rhombuses, rectangles, kites, parallelograms, and trapezoids are all irregular quadrilaterals.

Are some trapesoids parallelograms?

No trapezoids are not parallelograms. Trapezoids are actually quadrilaterals and they have one pair of opposite sides. Parallelograms by definition have 2 pairs of parallel sides.

Is it true that trapezoids are parallelograms?

No but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

How are trapezoids and parallelograms related?

They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

Are paralleograms a trapezoids?

Parallelograms and trapezoids have different geometrical properties but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

Is it true that all parallelograms are trapezoids?

No but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

are any trapezoids parallelogram?

No because trapezoids have different properties to that of parallelograms but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.