No because trapezoids have different properties to that of parallelograms but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.
they are not congruent
No but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.
Trapezoids have only one pair of parallel sides. A parallelogram has two pair of parallel sides.
Answer: A circle Answer: There are lots of shapes other than parallelograms and trapezoids.
No. (To the extent that I can make any sense out of the question.)
Quadrangles that are not parallelograms = trapezoids, kites, any other polygon that is not a parallelogram
No. Isosceles trapezoids don't have 2 sets of equal sides, which is what a parallelogram is.
trapezoids are never parallelograms.
they are not congruent
There are absolutely no trapezoids that are also parallelograms.
No but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.
Some people define trapezoids as having at least one pair of parallel sides. By this definition, all parallelograms are trapezoids, though not all trapezoids are parallelograms.Some people define trapezoids as having exactly one pair of parallel sides. By this definition, the terms "trapezoid" and "parallelogram" are mutually exclusive.
There is no one type. Examples of quadrilaterals that are not parallelograms are trapezoids and kites.