Trick question or they would see each other at the bottom of the world. Random Quess. <><><> The East facing dog is West of the West facing dog. While they are faced in opposite directions, they are facing each other. Question causes you to assume that they are faced AWAY from each other- but it does not say that!
They are the sides facing each other at opposite sides.
There is only 1 pair facing each other at each end
Due to multiple reflection!
They are: 11*11 = 121
when two similar poles are facing each other, they will push away from each other, or repel.
They can only see each other facing each other(i.e. facing opposite directions).. If they are face in same directions...they will not see each other..
Trick question or they would see each other at the bottom of the world. Random Quess. <><><> The East facing dog is West of the West facing dog. While they are faced in opposite directions, they are facing each other. Question causes you to assume that they are faced AWAY from each other- but it does not say that!
They are facing each other
Have a magnet underneath it with opposite sides facing each other or hold a magnet over the magnet you are trying to levitate. Opposite sides facing each other
I have no clue but I think it is so they can see each other ?
The two magnets would repell each other.
first- when your heels are together and your toes are pointind opposite each other second- when you spread your legs apart and have your toes facing opposite each other third- when 1 foot is facing front and the other's heel is touching the center of the 1st fourth- first foot is facing left and other foot is in frot of it facing right and not touching it
to protect each other?
The greatest attraction between two magnets occurs when the opposite poles are facing each other. In other words, when a north pole is facing a south pole, the attraction will be maximized. Conversely, when the same poles are facing each other (north to north or south to south), the magnets will repel each other.
Red bull