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Q: What should teacher and school authority do to solve the problem of wasting books?
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What can Parent Teacher Organization do to students in school?

It's not what they can do "to" it's what they can do "for". The PTO has no authority to discipline school children, if that is the intent of this question.

What is the problem if a student like her teacher?

Well depends on teacher age . his, her liking of the student . if worse he will be rusticated from the school.

Mention two constituted authority in the school?

Two constituted authorities in a school typically include the Principal or Head Teacher, who is responsible for overall school leadership and management, and the School Board or Governing Body, which oversees policy making and strategic decisions for the school.

If you know there going to be a school shooting What do you do?

If you know or suspect something, you should contact the police or other authority.

How do you tell your teacher that you are very annoyed by people?

School is for learning only, but if you have people bothering or bullying you then wait until the class has left the room to go to another class and tell the teacher you have a problem and would like to talk to her. Every school has a 'School Counselor' so it's best to see him or her about your problem.

Hats in school?

Hats should be allowed in school. It is not such a big deal seeing how the teacher has complete control over taking it away if it is a problem. I believe that they should be aloud if the teacher gives them 1 chance to have them.

How do you get your teacher to stop a mean streak?

It sounds like you have a bullying teacher ? If you feel like you are being picked on un-necessarily and talking directly with the teacher doesn't solve the problem you need to report this behaviour to the school principal or have a talk with an adult you know and trust and perhaps both of you can then meet with the teacher or school principal, I think you need parental or adult support/help/advice with this problem.

What should you do if your teacher thinks your friend is drinking?

If you friend has a problem drinking and is doing it at school then let the teacher deal with it as that is her responsibility. Your friend sounds like they have a problem with drinking. As a friend just be there to encourage your friend to stop the drinking.

When was The School Teacher created?

The School Teacher was created in 1975.

Can a teacher give you detention for something outside of school?

If it is done on school grounds, or effects school systems i.e. spam or hate mail yes otherwise no. However they still may do so but do not heave authority to do it. ---------------------------------------------------- It also depends on what you did and where exactly

If a teacher who works with children after school and on holidays builds up comp time instead of extra pay can the teacher take that comp time anytime they want?

No, the school must agree to how the teacher would like to use the comp time. Typically, when the request is reasonable, schools will try to accommodate the teacher. It's when the request is not reasonable that there is a problem.

What is the most interesting problem in 6th grade not involving school?

Well... the biggest problem in 6th grade would have to be friendships but not very interesting coming from a 6th grade teacher.