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Q: What shows and amount of increase or decrease from original amount?
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Define decrease decimal button for excel 2007?

Where a number is showing some decimal points and you want to decrease the amount of decimal points it shows, you can use the decrease decimal button to do it. Each time you click it, it will remove one decimal place until you have the amount you want or all are gone. There is also a corresponding increase decimal button, which does the opposite.

Do T.V. show is effect heart rate?

Yes actually you can get your heart rate to increase and decrease just by watching certain shows. Scary may get your heart rate to increase majorly and nice kid shows like Dora may get your heart rate to decrease. It mainly depends on how you react to it.Some other shows like very sad may get you to become sad and your heart rate may decrease.

State what the law of supply and demand shows and describe how it works?

If the demand for a commodity increases, but the supply does not increase equally, the price will decreaase. If the supply of a commodity increases, but the demand for that commodity does not increase equally, the price will increase. If the demand for a commodity decreases, but the supply does not decrease equally, the price will increase. If the supply of a commodity decreases, but the demand does not decrease equally, the price will decrease

What is the meaning of inverse and direct relationship?

An inversely proportional relationship shows that as one variable of an equation increases, the other will decrease. A directly proportional relationship shows that as one variable increases, the other increases as well.

What diseases shows significant increase or decrease of victims from year to year?

brain disease, because their are so many people who abuse youjizz and youporn.

Which shows a decrease in fluid pressure?

An increase in elevation, a decrease in the flow rate, or an increase in the pipe diameter can cause a decrease in fluid pressure.

The explaination of the Bradshaw model?

The Bradshaw model is a geographical model made in 1978, by Proffesor Michel Bradshaw, which describes how a river's characteristics vary between the upper course and lower course of a river. It shows that channel width, channel depth and the wetted perimeter increase downstream. The Bradshaw Model shows how certain elements of a river increase in size or amount in their journey downstream, while some decrease such as the load particle size.

What is the name given to the relationship that shows that an increase in pressure leads to a decrease in the volume of a gas?

This relationship is described by the Ideal Gas Laws. The applicable law is Boyle's Law.

Debit means decrease and credit means increase is true?

A debit shows a asset or expense transaction, and a credit shows a liability or gain. So debit is the sum of money owing and credit is sum of money at someones disposal.

This population pyramid shows a in the number of males as age?

decrease;males as they age

A correlation of -0.90 between two sets of test scores indicates that?

There is quite a high degree of linear agreement between the two variables with one showing an increase when the other shows a decrease.

How is fiscal policy controlled?

Taxes, and government spending. Increasing taxes will decrease consumption and supply. Lowering taxes will increase consumption and supply. Increasing government spending will increase national consumption, and decreasing government spending will decrease national consumption. The economics AD-AS model shows a visual representation of the effects of fiscal policy on the economy if you are further interested.