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Q: What shows that you can break apart a rectangle into smaller rectangles and add the area of each smaller rectangle to find the total area?
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Explain how rock and mountains break apart?

Rocks and mountains break apart due to various factors such as weathering, erosion, and tectonic activity. Weathering breaks down rocks through physical processes like freezing and thawing, while erosion removes the broken rock material. Tectonic activity like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can cause rocks to break apart as well.

What is a break apart?

Separate by force into smaller parts.

How do you work out the area of an L shape?

You should break it down in to smaller shapes. Two rectangles. Then figure out all the lengths. Multiply to find the area of the two rectangles. then add the products to get the final area.

When did Pangea begin to break into smaller fragments?

Pangea began to break apart about 175 million years ago during the Mesozoic Era. The process of breaking apart led to the eventual formation of the continents as we know them today.

Did the Titanic break apart?

Yes. There are two major parts (and one smaller one) of the wreck of Titanic.

How do you work out total area of a room?

If the room is rectangular, multiply the the lengths of the walls. If the shape is not rectangular, you will need to break it up into rectangles or squares. Draw it out on paper and break it up into smaller parts whose area you can find.

When water and ice chemical and and even plants break rocks apart into smaller pieces it is called what?

The process you are referring to is called weathering. It is the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces by physical (e.g. water, ice) or chemical (e.g. acids from plants) means.

Why do rocks come in different shapes and sizes?

Rocks break apart from force and heat. Water, freezing, thawing, and wind break rocks into smaller portions.

How do you calculate acreage with an irregular shaped lot?

You need to measure the specific sides of the plot and then compute the area. You can break down the total plot into smaller subsections which are regular and easier for you to compute the area. First, place the largest rectangle you can within the boundaries of the irregular lot. Then, fill in the remaining areas outside the rectangle with smaller rectangles, triangles and cirlces -- whatever fits best. Keep going using smaller and smaller shapes for the remaing areas until you've covered most of it. Then, calculate the area of each shape: Rectangle = Width x Height Triangle = W x H / 2 Circle = 3.1416 x radius x radius Add up the areas of all the shapes for the total area of the irregular lot.

How can mountains break apart?

how do mountains break apart

How do clouds break into smaller clouds?

Clouds can break into smaller clouds through a process called fragmentation, where larger clouds break apart into smaller individual cloud units. This can happen due to various factors such as changes in air temperature or wind patterns, which can cause the cloud to disperse into smaller sections.

What process can break rocks apart?

erosion can break rocks apart, weathering can also break rocks apart