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Q: What side of the brain does math?
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Does the right side of the brain works for speaking?

The right side of the brain thinks in images and music. The left side deals with words, math, and logic.

What part of the brain do you use when doing math?

The left lobe of your brain is the part of the brain you use to do math.

Why are left hander's smarter then right hander's?

well i know that the left side of the brain is used for math and stuff like that.

What is the m function of the brain?

I think I can do to the math with my brain.

Math behind cheerleading is?

no math involved

How is math related to the brain?

because it is...

Is math important to your brain?


What is the answer to the riddle what tools do you need for math?

i think it is multiples.

Does the left side of the brain control math skills?

Generally speaking, the left side of the brain, or left hemisphere, is in charge of logical thinking and mathematical computations. People who are said to be left dominant usually also have strong language skills and ability.

What is the most important tool in math?

Your brain

How do they think they use math in chemistry?

With their brain

What is the code to get to the end of math brain?
