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Q: What solid can be made by a net that has one circle in it?
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Which solid can be made by a net that has exactly one circle in it?

A cone or a paraboloid

What solid can be made by a net that has exactly one circle in it?

I dont' now jajjajajajajajsjajaj

How do open and closed circles relate to solid and dashed lines?

An open circle should have a dashed circumference, a closed circle a solid one.

What geometric solid has one curved surface and one flat surface shaped like a circle?


What is a geometric solid that hs two surfaces one is fomed by a circle and curved?

That sounds like a cone. One surface is a circle and the other surface is curved.

What solid has 1 vertex and 1 edge and one surface circle?

There is no solid that has those characteristics. To have an edge it must have another surface.

Geometric solid two surfaces one formed by a circle and the other curved?

a cone...

Who made the circle?

Circles were drawn by ancient peoples before writing was developed. No one "invented" or "made" the circle from that perspective.

What plane shape that can be made by tracing one of the 2 faces of a certain solid shape?

A circle comes to mind as the face of a right cylinder (which has 2 faces). The curved side is not considered a face.

What does the net of a cone look like?

a circle base with the sides rising up in a circular fashion meeting at one point

What is the net amount made from one molecule to glucose?


You are a geometric solid you have two surfaces One of your surfaces is formed by a circle The other surface is curved What are you?

a coneType your answer here...