The square root of 6 is... 2.449489742783178 !
It is: 6*6 = 36 square units
6 m2 equates to about 64.583 square feet.
Square root of 6 = 2.44948 Sq root of 6 + Sq root of 6 = 2.44948 + 2.44948 = 4.89896
The area of square is : 36.0
The square root of 6 is... 2.449489742783178 !
- square rooted by 6
Sure. the square root of 6 times 4 square roots of 6 is the same as the square root of 6 to the power of five which can be reduced to 6 squared times the square root of 6. The resulting answer is 36 root 6.
That would be the square of 6, 36.
The square of the square root of 36. Which can also be stated as the square of 6.
6^2 = 36. 36 is, therefore, the sixth square number.I guess that would be the square of 6.
It is: 6*6 = 36 square units
The square of 6 is 36.
what are the dimensions for 6 square feet?
no, it is not a perfect square, but it can be reduced to: 6 time the square root of 6
6 m2 equates to about 64.583 square feet.