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Q: What star has the largest radius?
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How big is the Sun compared to the largest star?

The largest known star "VY Canis Majoris" has a 987,600,000 km radius whereas the sun only has a puney 695,500 km radius.

What star is largest?

The largest known star is UY Scuti, which is a red supergiant and located in the constellation Scutum. It has a radius more than 1,700 times larger than the Sun.

What star in Orion has the largest radius?

The star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion has the largest known radius among the stars in that constellation. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star with a radius approximately 1,000 times larger than the Sun.

What is the largest star ever discovered in space?

The star R136a1 by mass and luminosity. The star VY Canis Majoris by radius and volume.

Which star is largest Sirius or Algol?

Sirius is larger than Algol. Sirius is a binary star system with Sirius A being the larger star with about twice the mass of the Sun, while Algol is a triple star system with the main star being smaller than Sirius A.

Is the sun the biggest sun?

No, VY Canis Majoris is the largest star we know about, the radius of this star is 1,800-2,100 times that of the (our) Sun.

Which planet has the largest radius?

Jupiter has the largest radius of any planet in our solar system.

What is the largest object in space that is not a planet or a star?

The largest object in space that is not a planet or a star is a galaxy. Galaxies are massive systems of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter held together by gravity. They can contain billions to trillions of stars and are among the largest known structures in the universe.

Which element has the largest radius?

francium has the largest ionic radius

What is the biggest star in unevers?

The largest known star now is UY Scuti with a diameter 2,375,828,000 km. UY Scuti has the radius of 1,516-1,900 solar radii, with the median radius of 1,708 solar radii, or approximately 7.94 astronomical Units.

What element have the largest radius?

Francium has the largest atomic radius of all the elements on the Periodic Table.

Which of following has the largest radius?

The largest radius among the options provided.